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Claus Jørgen Pedersen
(1859-1924) |
Claus Jørgen Pedersen
Notater: Hans sønnesøn Klaus Jørgen describes why his grandfather first moved to Lille Rise after returning from a sailing voyage to his home village of Ommel: "We came here in a strange way. It was because my grandfather, he came home, and it turned out that his wife was dead. So, he was a bachelor. Then, an old one, who's named Rasmus Butcher, out from Ommel - we were out there, right? - says, "It's a real shame that you live here alone. When you come home, then there's no wife in the house." "Yes, there's nothing to be done about it," says my grandfather, "because it was the Lord's will." "Yes, there's something to be done:" he says, "There's a girl who goes up kintra." That means, in the countryside. That means, then, here [in Lille Rise]. "So, you come with me tomorrow. I'm going over to look at a house-lamb." That means, a dog. My grandfather, he drives with him over here, and they climb up here, and there's the neighbour's - the old father -, he was talking with grandmother. And then, he says, "Well, that was quite a meal!" "Yes, there's a bit we can arrange." And so, they went in and got it arranged. So, they damned well got engaged. They were married here - here in the house - with a letter from the king." Begivenheder i hans liv: • Erhverv, 1886. sømand • Gift 1. gang: med Ellen Katrine Kristensen, 28 Jan. 1886, Marstal Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt. 3 (1860-1914) født i Marstal, datter af skipper Frederik Hansen Christensen og hustru Ellen Kathrine Elisabeth Albertsen • Erhverv, 1887. styrmand • Erhverv, 1898. parcellist i Rolpestedet, Marstal landsogn • Barn dør, 16 Jan. 1900. 4 datter Kirstine 2 måneder gammel, født 9/11 1899 • Barn dør, 5 Feb. 1908. 5 datteren Ellen Katrine Elisabeth 17 år gammel, født 23/8 1890 • -, 1919. aftægtsmand i Rolpestedet, Marstal landsogn • Gift 2. gang: med Anne Lauritsen, 12 Dec. 1919, Rise Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt. 6 • Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1921. 7 Lille Rise, Rise sogn • Fadder, 1923. til sønnen Kristens datter sammen med sin hustru Ane Lauritsen - er gårdejer i Lille Rise, Rise sogn • Ved død. parcellist i Rolpestedet, gift med Ane Lauritsen Claus gift 1. gang med Ellen Katrine Kristensen den 28 Jan. 1886 i Marstal Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt. |
1 Marstal kirkebog, 1851-1866 opslag 65.
2 Marstal Landsogns kirkebog, 1902-1934 opslag 123.
3 Marstal Landsogns kirkebog, 1878-1891 opslag 16 (vielsen) + 1902-1934 opslag 244 (ægtefællens død).
4 Marstal Landsogns kirkebog, 1892-1905 opslag 142 + 376.
5 Marstal Landsogns kirkebog, 1879-1891 opslag 122 + 1902-1934 opslag 212.
6 Rise kirkebog, 1903-1929 opslag 124. .... Søby kirkebog, 1854-1889 opslag 73 (ægtefællens fødsel).
AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 39.
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