Hans Christian Jørgensen
Ingeborg Adelaide Jørgensen
Erik Brockmeyer



Erik Brockmeyer

  • Født: 1 Aug. 1901, Roskilde Domsogn, Sømme herred, Roskilde amt
  • Dåb: 15 Sep. 1901 1
  • Død: 1975 i en alder af 74 år 2

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• -. 2 Erik Brockmeyer (1901-1975) was employed by the Copenhagen Telephone Company (KTAS) from 1923 to 1971, and all along he worked with problems of teletraffic. (1) gives an account of his biography, publications, and contributions to the teletraffic theory.
His first reports deal with practical problems and traffic measuring problems. Later on he published more theoretical works, ego an account of the application
of p ' robabili ty theory to telephony, and the works mentioned below.
He was a member of the organizing committee of the First International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 1) in Copenhagen 1955. On this occasion he
presented a review of traffic measuring methods in KTAS.

• -. 2 In 1954 Brockmeyer gave a solution to a key problem in teletraffic theory



1 Roskilde Domsogns kirkebog, 1900-1902 opslag 27.

2 Website, www.i-teletraffic.org.

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