Knud Graae
Caroline Marie Graae
Hilda Elisabeth Bergh



Hilda Elisabeth Bergh

  • Født: 2 Aug. 1848, Garnisons sogn, Oslo fylke, Norge
  • Dåb: 3 Jun. 1849 1
  • Død: 14 Jan. 1934, København Nazareth sogn, Københavns amt i en alder af 85 år
  • Begravet: 20 Jan. 1934, Oslo, Vår Frelsers gravlund 2

  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

• Gift: med (Carl Fredrik) Edmund Neupert. 3 (1 April 1842 \endash 22 June 1888) was a Norwegian pianist and composer. Neupert was born in Christiana. His father was a descendant of a German family belonging to the nobility, who had emigrated when young to Xania in Norway.
He was a teacher at the Stern Conservatory in Berlin from 1866-1868. He then moved to Copenhagen , where he held a position at the city's conservatory for two years. In 1881 he traveled to Moscow , and in 1882 he moved to Christiania, where he taught at a piano school for children. In 1883 he stayed in New York City. Neupert was regarded as an outstanding pianist and piano pedagogue, often compared to Franz Liszt .
He was now best remembered as the soloist at the world premiere of Edvard Grieg 's Piano Concerto in A minor. This occurred on 3 April 1869 in the Casino Concert Hall in Copenhagen, with the Royal Danish Orchestra conducted by Holger Simon Paulli. The piano used for the performance was lent for the occasion by Anton Rubinstein, who attended the concert. Grieg himself was not present, due to commitments back home in Norway. Neupert was also the dedicatee of the second edition of the concerto, and was said to have actually composed the cadenza in the first movement.
Among Neupert's compositions, the 24 Concert-Etüden and the 24 Octav-Etüden are especially highly regarded.

• Fadder, Dec. 1871. til sin halvsøster Emma Annette Louise Lundt - fru Neupert, Tordenskjoldsgade 23

• Folketælling, 1880. 4 Holbergsgade 408, København / Hilda Elisabeth Neupert 20 år - hendes mand Edmund Neupert 36 år, pianist - deres søn Isidor Neupert 8 år

• Barn dør, 26 Jul. 1894. 5 sønnen Robert Isidor, født 7/7 1871 i København Holmens sogn, død i Oslo

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1911. 6 Marstalsgade 7, 1., København / enke, lever af legat - tilflyttet fra Italien 1907

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1916. 7 Århusgade 91, 4.th., København / enke, lever af livrente

• Folketælling, 5 Nov. 1925. 8 Århusgade 91, 4.th., København / enke, lever af legat og livrente

• Folketælling, 5 Nov. 1930. 9 Århusgade 91, 4.th., København / enke, lever af legater og livsforsikring

• Ved død, 1934. bopæl Århusgade 91, dør Sortedams Dossering 83



1 digitalarkivet.no, Oslo Garnison ministerialbog 1842 - 1859 opslag 127.

2 Hans Egede kirkebog, KM 1923-1942 folio 209, opslag 193.

3 Wikipedia.

4 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 32.

5 Holmens kirkebog, 1868-1877 opslag 96. .... FamilySearch, (sønnens død).

6 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 11.

7 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 223-225.

8 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 567.

9 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 502.

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