Peter Braae
Jens Agger Braae
Adolf Braae



Adolf Braae

  • Født: 31 Jul. 1883, Svendborg Sct. Nicolai sogn, Sunds herred, Svendborg amt
  • Dåb: 2 Sep. 1883, Svendborg, Skt. Nicolai Kirke 1
  • Død: 22 Aug. 1959, New Zealand i en alder af 76 år 2


Adolf Braae
Dalgety Manager at Opotiki about 1922 to 1935
then sub-manager for Dalgety and Company, Ltd., in Christchurch
A. Braae, who will take up his duties as sub-manager for Dalgety and Company, Ltd., in Christchurch on October 1. He has been manager of the firm's Opotiki branch for 13 years.Press, Volume LXXI, Issue 21557, 21 August 1935
died 1959, reg. 1959/31598 76 years
(Early New Zealand Photographers and their successors (http://canterburyphotography.blogspot.com/2016/10/dalgety-and-company-limited-managers.html))


  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1901. 3 handelslærling hos købmand og fabrikant Jeppe Nissen Schmidt, Møllergade 37, Svendborg købstad

• Bisættelse, 1959. 2 Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand



1 Svendborg Skt. Nikolai kirkebog, 1876-1887 folio 30, opslag 31.

2 FamilySearch, New Zealand, Obituaries, 1844-1963.

3 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 57.

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