Rasmus Hansen Albertsen
Birthe Cathrine Albertsen
Nisse Jensen



Nisse Jensen

  • Født: 4 Mar. 1853, Rise sogn, Ærø herred, Svendborg amt
  • Dåb: 6 Mar. 1853, Rise Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt 1
  • Død: 1930, Australien i en alder af 77 år 2


Oplysninger fra Lyn Wheely iflg. tilsendt GEDCOM-fil:
came to Australia after his mother remarried, in 1868 at age 15. Came with his cousin Franz Thompson (Thomsen) and went to work on Uncle William's property at Dungowan. went to school at Walcha. In 1878 Nis went to work at Charles Lawson's property at Attunga Springs, and later married Maria Lawson. Moved to Sydney in about 1929 and bought some boarding flats. Died of prostate cancer at age 77
Gift med Maria Elizabeth Lawson, datter af Charles Lawson og Sarah Wright, i 1879 i Attunga Springs NSW. Maria Elizabeth er født i 1862 i Burrangong, NSW, Australia og døde 16 Jul. 1938 i Murwillumbah NSW i en alder af 76 år. Amazing lady, had 12 ? children, married at 16, bought and created Estonholme as a maternity hospital in Tamworth and ran it until it was sold in 1929. First 4 yers of marriage spent at father's property at Attunga Springs, then moved to Dungowan creek. active methodist churchgoers.


  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• Konfirmation, 14 Apr. 1867, Rise Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt. 3 kundskab g, opførsel mg



1 Rise kirkebog, KM 1840-1868 folio 52, opslag 54.

2 Oplyst af, Lyn Wheely.

3 Rise kirkebog, KM 1840-1869 folio 80, opslag 84.

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