Albert Hansen
Rasmus Hansen Albertsen
Johanne Albertsen



Johanne Albertsen

  • Født: 13 Jan. 1831, Rise sogn, Ærø herred, Svendborg amt
  • Dåb: 16 Jan. 1831, Rise Kirke, Ærø, Svendborg amt 1
  • Død: 27 Mar. 1917, Australien i en alder af 86 år 2


Udrejst til Australien iflg. http://www.aerogenealogy.dk/aeroslaegt/emigrant.htm
fra Lyn Wheely iflg. tilsendt GEDCOM-fil:
Came in Australia (on the Cesar and Helene out of Hamburg), marriage registered as Hannah.
Gift med Ludwig Brandt Bright (Mauritzel) i 1860 i Tamworth NSW. Ludwig Brandt er født i 1831 i Helsingsborg, Malmohus, Sweden og døde 27 Maj 1873 i Dungowan NSW i en alder af 42 år. Engineer. Was born in sweden as Ludvig Mauritzel but had changed his name to Louis Bright. Joined the merchant navy on May 7 1852, and in 1854 sailed on the Swedish ship Tigris for Sydney. Arrived Australia in 1854, and mined for tin at Watson's creek, then didgold mining with the Albertson brothers at Bowling Alley Point before he took up farming in Tamworth district, NSW and married Johanna Albertson.
She raised 3 of her brother John's [Hans Jørgens] children - John 11, Ernest and Thomas after their mother Mary Henry died of Typhoid


  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1845. 3 15 år, i sin fars hushold i Dunkær, Rise sogn

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1855. 4 kan være hende: Johanne Albertsen 25 år, tjenestepige hos gårdmand Christen Jensen i Dunkær



1 Rise kirkebog, KM 1828-1835 folio 42, opslag 41.

2 Oplyst af, Lyn Wheely.

3 Dansk Demografisk Database/Folketælling.

4 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 9.

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