Sophie Elisabeth Knudsen
Ane Marie Hansen
Hansine Sofie Guldborg



Hansine Sofie Guldborg

  • Født: 13 Feb. 1883, Nørup sogn, Tørrild herred, Vejle amt
  • Dåb: 23 Mar. 1883, Nørup Kirke, Vejle amt 1
  • Død: Nov. 1968, USA, delstaten Montana i en alder af 85 år 2

  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

• Udrejse, 1888. 3 til USA med sine forældre og 2 søskende

• Folketælling, 1900. 4 i forældrenes hushold i Elden Township, Dickey, North Dakota, United States

• Folketælling, 1910. 5 26 år, i forældrenes hushold i Ellendale, Dickey, North Dakota, United States

• Gift: med James P. Moline, 24 Apr. 1914. (29/10 1884 - 20/5 1955)

• Begravet, 1968. 6 Brockway Cemetery, McCone County, Montana, USA

• Nekrolog. 6 for ægtefællen: They made their home on a farm near Brockway until 1946 at which time they retired and moved to Terry where they have made their home since.
Mr Moline was well known in the Brockway and Terry vicinity having been very active in civic affairs and church work. He was a charter member of the Brockway Community Church and served on the city council in Terry for several years.
Survivors include his wife, Sophia; one son , James of Brockway and one daughter, Marian of Great Falls.



1 Nørup kirkebog, KM 1882-1891 folio 76, ny opslag 5.

2 FamilySearch, United States Census, 1900. .... www.findagrave.com.

3 Folketælling, 1900.

4 FamilySearch, United States Census, 1900.

5 FamilySearch, United States Census, 1910.

6 www.findagrave.com.

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