Niels Søgaard Nielsen
Helga Sofie Søgaard Nielsen

Malcolm Daniel Lane



1. Ukendt

Malcolm Daniel Lane

  • Født: 10 Aug. 1930, USA, delstaten Illinois 1
  • Ægteskab (1): Ukendt den 17 Mar. 1951 i USA
  • Død: 10 Apr. 2014, USA, delstaten Maryland i en alder af 83 år 2


Biografi i Wikipedia M. Daniel Lane


  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• -. født i Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

• Gift: med Patricia Sonquist, 17 Mar. 1951, USA. 3
(1931-2010) datter af Gerald og Linnea Swanson Sonquist, n Dayton, Iowa - " She graduated from the Dayton High School in 1949 and began studies at Iowa State College (now ISU) where she met Malcolm Daniel Lane, Sr. whom she married March 17, 1951. They shared a long and richly rewarding life together. Patricia S. Lane earned a B.A. from New York University in 1969 and an M.A. degree from the Johns Hopkins University in 1974, both in art history. She was interested in the early history of Iowa and the hometown newspaper, the Dayton Review, in continuous publication since 1877. The last 30 years of her life were devoted to environmental issues, particularly nuclear and drinking water quality issues, in conjunction with the League of Woman Voters of Baltimore City."

• Uddannelse. 4 received both his B.S. and M.S. from Iowa State University in 1951 and 1953, respectively. Lane then went to the University of Illinois for graduate school and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1956

• Erhverv, 1956. 4 joined the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia as Associate Professor and was promoted to Professor of Biochemistry in 1963

• Erhverv, 1962. 4 decided to take a sabbatical leave in Munich at the Max-Planck Institüt Für Zellchemie where he continued to work on the enzymatic mechanism by which biotin became attached to propionyl-CoA carboxylase

• Erhverv. 4 shortly after he returned from Munich he left Virginia Polytechnic Institute to become Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the New York University School of Medicine. He was later promoted to Professor of Biochemistry in 1969

• Erhverv, 1970. 5 left New York to become Professor of Biological Chemistry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. served as DeLamar Professor and Department Director from 1978 to 1997. He served as Distinguished Service Professor from 1997-2013.

• Udmærkelse. 4 His honors and awards include the American Institute of Nutrition's Mead-Johnson award in 1966, the American Society of Biological Chemists' William C. Rose award in 1981, and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Professor's Award for Distinction i Teaching in 1986. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1982, the American Society for Nutritional Sciences in 1996, and the National Academy of Sciences in 1987. In addition to serving as president of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1990

• Ved død. 2 bopæl Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland. Begravet på Lawn Cemetery, Boone County, Iowa, USA

• Nekrolog. 6 Dr. M. Daniel Lane, a retired Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researcher, biochemist and esteemed teacher who studied the body's chemical processes that affect hunger, died of myeloma April 10 at the Charlestown Retirement Community. The former Mount Washington resident was 83.
Colleagues said he typically arrived at his classroom at 6 a.m. and filled numerous sliding blackboards with notes for the day's material. These became known as the "Lane Lectures."
Dr. Paul Rothman, chief executive officer of Johns Hopkins Medicine and dean of the medical faculty, called Dr. Lane "a premier scientist and one of our most cherished colleagues."
He said that Dr. Lane made contributions within biochemistry and helped researchers understand the work of enzymes, which are the proteins that facilitate nearly all of the body's biochemical processes.


Malcolm gift med Patricia Sonquist den 17 Mar. 1951 i USA.



1 www.findgravsted.dk.

2 www.findagrave.com.

3 Website, The Baltimore Sun - shttp://www.legacy.com/obituaries/baltimoresun/obituary.aspx?n=patricia-sonquist-lane&pid=142528061.

4 Website, JBC Centennial 1905–2005 100 Years of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - http://www.jbc.org/content/281/49/e40.full.pdf.

5 Website, JBC Centennial 1905–2005 100 Years of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - http://www.jbc.org/content/281/49/e40.full.pdf. .... www.findagrave.com.

6 Website, http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2014-04-22/news/bs-md-ob-daniel-lane-20140422-15_1_faculty-biochemist-body.

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