pil pil
Otto Jacob Fuglede
Marie Elisabeth Rahbek
Else Fuglede

Johanne Kathrine Jensen



Johanne Kathrine Jensen

  • Født: 8 Apr. 1864, Borris (Sønder Borris) sogn, Bølling herred, Ringkøbing amt
  • Dåb: 5 Jun. 1864, Borris Kirke, Sønder Borris sogn, Ringkøbing amt 1
  • Død: 1 Feb. 1957, USA, delstaten Californien i en alder af 92 år 2


Johanne Kathrine Jensen (Kate Lindvig i Amerika) *1864.04.08 Lindvig †1957.02.01 (begravet i Greenwood Memorial Park) San Diego, San Diego County, California, USA. Fra Gail M. Beaton "Colorado Women \emdash A History" University Press of Colorado, 2012:
Katherine (Kate) Jensen Lindvig. The "Cattle Queen of Snowmass" was born in Jutland, Denmark in 1864. At age twenty-five she came to the United States as the mail-order bride of a Nebraska farmer. However, one look at her future husband and the plains of Nebraska convinced Lindvig to continue moving west. She settled in Aspen, where she was hired as a cook. Lindvig diligently saved her wages to open her own boardinghouse. She made up to 400 bag lunches a day for the region's miners. In 1896 she received a homestead in the upper Snowmass Creek Valley when one of her tenants could not pay his bill.
She homesteaded an adjacent property and bought two parcels. She named her 640-acre property Snowmass Falls Ranch, on which she raised hay, potatoes, and oats. In exchange for room and board, three older men helped with the ranch work. She ran eighty head of cattle on US Forest Service land. Each week she drove a sled or a wagon (depending on the season) to Aspen loaded with butter, eggs and the meat from two head of cattle to sell there. Physically strong and an astute businesswoman, Lindvig was charitable \emdash feeding out-of-work miners \emdash and in demand as a potential spouse. However, she spurned all offers of marriage. Over the years she rented horses to sightseers. In 1925 she expanded her ranching operation to include guest cabins, which she rented to fishermen. She packed people into Snowmass Lake, sometimes making three trips a day - a total of fifty-two miles. Later, Lindvig leased her place to her niece and moved in with her nephew. In the 1940s, 1943 before Aspen experienced rejuvenation as a ski resort, the Scandinavian native sold the ranch and moved to San Diego, where she died at age ninety-two.


  Begivenheder i hendes liv:

• Konfirmation, 14 Apr. 1878, Borris Kirke, Sønder Borris sogn, Ringkøbing amt. 3 kundskab mg, opførsel mg

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1880. 4 15 år, i forældrenes hushold i Lindvig by, Sønder Borris sogn

• Udrejse, 1888. 5 til USA (ifølge US Census).

• Erhverv, 1896. Farmer. Snowmass Falls Ranch, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado, USA

• Folketælling, 1900. 6 Watson Precincts 15 Pitkin, Colorado, United States
36 år, farmer, enke [!] - William S.Newton 47 år, tjenestekarl

• Folketælling, 1910. 7 Watson, Pitkin, Colorado, United States
Catherine J Lindvig 46 år, single, farmer - farmworkers William S Newton 57 år og John Anderson 51 år

• Folketælling, 1940. 5 Owl Creek, Aspen, Pitkin, Colerado. Ved nevøen Jens Lindvig Christiansen og hustru Gladyce. - Kate Lindvig, aunt, 76 år, Ugift.



1 Borris kirkebog, 1864-1875 opslag 30.

2 FamilySearch, California Death Index, 1940-1997.

3 Borris kirkebog, 1876-1891 opslag 82.

4 Dansk Demografisk Database/Folketælling.

5 Website, http://www.nørvang-herred.dk/borris/BorrisStederOgFolk.htm.

6 FamilySearch, United States Census, 1900.

7 FamilySearch, United States Census, 1910.

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