Christian Valdemar Danneskiold-Samsøe
Wanda Danneskiold-Samsøe
Frederik Willum Treschow



Frederik Willum Treschow

  • Født: 30 Nov. 1914, Vær sogn, Voer herred, Skanderbrog amt
  • Dåb: 31 Jan. 1915, Vær Kirke, Skanderborg amt 1
  • Død: 21 Feb. 1971, Canada i en alder af 56 år 2

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• Folketælling, 1 Feb. 1921. 3 i forældrenes hushold på Stenballegård, Vær sogn, Skanderborg amt

• Folketælling, 5 Nov. 1930. 4 i forældrenes hushold i Vindinge sogn, Svendborg amt

• Gift: med Anne Elin Hansen. 5
(January 4, 1925, Vindinge, Denmark - October 17, 2017, Calgary, Alberta). Anne Elin Treschow of Calgary passed away on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at the age of 92 years.
Elin (née Hansen) grew up on her family's farm, Kogsbøllegård, on the island of Funen, Denmark. She immigrated to Canada in 1950 and married Frederik Willum Treschow on December 18, 1950 at Sharon Lutheran Church in Calgary.
Elin is survived by her children, Willo Elisabeth Alexandra Treschow and Michael Treschow; her grandchildren, Cretia Lennea Bergquist, Christian Emmitt Smeaton, Keef Andrew Smeaton, Rebecca Joy Solomon-Smith, and Paul Axel Robinson Treschow; and her great-grandchildren, Landen Bradly Morishita, Garett Jacob Morishita, Daniela Paige Robertson, Elin Marie Smeaton, and Benjamin Christian Smeaton.
Elin was predeceased by her husband, Frederik Willum Treschow and her grandson Samuel Sholto Willum Treschow.

• Begravelse. 6 Mountain View Memorial Gardens



1 Vær kirkebog, 1911-1929 opslag 11.

2 Finn Holbek (https://finnholbek.dk/index.php).

3 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 26-27.

4 AO (rigsarkivet.dk/arkivalieronline), opslag 13.

5 Website, McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes (https://www.mhfh.com/treschow-anne-elin).

6 FamilySearch.

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