Fritze Vilhelmine Vanda Theodora Holstein
Elsa Mimi Adelaide Marie Oxholm
Mogens Christian Christoff Vind



Mogens Christian Christoff Vind

  • Født: 3 Mar. 1925, Sankt Lukas Stiftelse, Skt. Johannes sogn, København 1
  • Dåb: 29 Mar. 1925, København, Skt. Lukas Stiftelsens kirkesal 2
  • Død: 2 Jun. 2012, Skotland i en alder af 87 år 3

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• Erhverv, 1949. 4 sekondløjtnant ved livgarden

• Gift: med Susan Frances Wedgwood, 2 Aug. 1958, Afrika. 5
(1935- ) gift i Marandellas, født i England, datter af direktør Tom Clement Wedgwood og hustru Katharine Rendel

• Nekrolog, 2012. 3 Mogens Christian Christoff Vind was more commonly known as Chris Vind. He was born on 3rd March 1925, the youngest Son of Elsa & Ove Vind of Sanderumgaard, an estate just south of Odense in Denmark. After spending some of his youth under the tutorage of a governess, he was soon shipped off to boarding school. He spent the latter part of his schooling years during the war where he used up some of his spare time outside school as a courier in the Danish underground movement. This gained him the advantage of getting straight into officer training school when he left school at the end of the war, and he ended up in the Danish Royal Guard as a lieutenant.
After a brief service in the army he then decided to go to agricultural college and then went on to Cambridge, ostensively to learn English. It was around this time that his father offered him a one way ticket to anywhere in the world on the condition that he paid his own way back. After having considered Kenya, he settled on Southern Rhodesia, as it was known then. He took up a position of farm manager in one of the more 'well heeled' farming districts and there, during a New Year's party, he met Susan on a blind date. A year and a few months later they married, had three children, Christian, Ivar & Kirsten and after a short spell in a farming partnership they bought a farm in a place called Bromley. Sanga Farm was a rather run down bush farm and over the next few years Chris, supported by Sue, built up the farm to a strong viable concern, growing tobacco, maize and breeding cattle. Chris worked tirelessly on the farm, but also contributed to the community as a whole. He was on various Bromley Farmers Association committees and his contributions were always of great value.
During the Rhodesian war Chris was part of the police reserve force. Time moved on and Rhodesia became Zimbabwe and Christian and Kirsten flew the coop to follow their own destiny. Ivar stayed on to eventually take over the farm from his father after having attended agricultural college. After a few years under his father's tutorage Ivar took over the farm and Chris and Sue headed for Scotland where they spent the last twenty two years happily retired in the Borders at Brundeanlaws.



1 Davinde kirkebog, 1917-1947 opslag 18.

2 København Skt. Johannes kirkebog, 1919-1938 opslag 140.

3 Website, www.oxnamkirk.co.uk/Kirk/Obituaries.aspx.

4 Danmarks Adels Årbog, 1949 side 460.

5 Danmarks Adels Årbog, 1985-1987 side 442.

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