pil pil
RASMUS Jørgensen Kock
ANNE Christophersdatter
Hertha Vilhelmine Koch
Jørgen Koch Larsen



Jørgen Koch Larsen

  • Født: 19 Jan. 1914, Thorsager sogn, Øster Lisbjerg herred, Randers amt
  • Dåb: 9 Apr. 1914, Thorsager Kirke, Randers amt 1
  • Død: 8 Jan. 1989, Canada i en alder af 74 år

  Begivenheder i hans liv:

• Konfirmation, 25 Sep. 1927, Århus, Vor Frue Kirke. 2

• -, 1933. 3 er stud. med., medlem af Aarhus Studentersangere

• Gift: med Martha. 4 datter af sognerådsformand i Skjød

• -. 4 fik tuberkulose og kom sig, men måtte efterfølgende ikke arbejde som læge i DK, hvorfor han flyttede til Toronto i Canada og arbejdede som læge (vist nok universitetsprofessor).

• Bopæl. Toronto, Canada

• Ved død. 5 Larsen, Jorgen K., Rt. Rev (Ret)-75 Paradise Rd., South. Born Jan. 19, 1914 in Thorsager, Denmark, died Jan. 8, 1989 at McMaster Hospital. Beloved husband of Martha, predeseased by son, Ingolf. Co-founder of the former Shalon Ecumenical Church, Buffalo, New York.
A funeral service pre-recorded by the deseased will take place at J.B. Marlett Funereal Home, 195 King St. West, Dundas, on Thursday at 1pm. No prior isitation at the funereal home. Internment Woodland Cemetery.. In lieu of flowers, a donation to St. Peter's Hospital 88 Maplewood Ave., Hamilton, L8M, 1w9, would be appreciated

• -. 6 The Shalom Ecumenical Church was founded by Bishop Joergen Koch Larsen (1914-1989). Larsen was born in Denmark and raised in the Lutheran Church of Denmark, his father being a dean in the church. He was serving in the Danish Army when World War II erupted. After Hitler overran Denmark, he was arrested, escaped, and served in the Danish underground. He migrated to Canada after the war and served in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in the Korean War.
Larsen claimed to have been in possession of a rare manuscript, a "fifth Gospel," possibly the book of Jesus' sayings that many scholars believe stood behind and was a source for the four gospels in the Christian Bible. His father had brought the manuscript to Denmark from the Holy Land around 1920. The original manuscript was destroyed by the Gestapo but not before Larsen made a copy of it. He claimed to have brought the copy with him to Canada.
Larsen was consecrated as a bishop by Peter Wayne Goodrich of the North American Episcopal Church. Shortly thereafter he founded the Shalom Ecumenical Church in Hamilton, Ontario. While possessing apostolic orders, the church differed considerably from the tradition from which he assumed his authority. Larsen articulated what he considered a scientific approach to Christianity. The church is non-Trinitarian. Jesus is accepted as Messiah, Son of Man, and Son of God, but all of God's children are also considered sons and daughters of God. One becomes a child of God by keeping the Ten Commandments and the strictures of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6-8). The church disavows belief in purgatory, hell, or the devil. Evil exists, but not the Evil One. There are only two sacraments, baptism and the eucharist.
Church groups meet in private homes, there being no church buildings. Membership is limited to those with one or more college/university degree(s). . In 1988 the church claimed approximately 200 members in Canada, the United States, and Scandinavia.
Kilde: Ward, Gary L. Independent Bishops: An International Directory. Detroit, MI: Apogee Books, 1990. 524 pp.



1 Thorsager kirkebog, 1913-1925 opslag 5.

2 Århus Vor Frue kirkebog, 1924-1929 opslag 60.

3 Website, www.aarhusstudentersangere.dk/documents/Aarhusstudenter-sangere1930-1980minus.pdf.

4 Oplyst af, Oda Balle.

5 Website, the Hamilton Spectator June 11, 1989.

6 Oplyst af, Kåre Abraham - kilde: http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/ear_01/ear_01_00187.html.

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